Tag Archives: 6th Street

Austin Texas, home sweet home

5 Sep


We spent Labor Day weekend in our new favorite city, Austin-Texas.  While I had visited years before (and liked it) it was this trip that truly made me want to pack my things up and head south for good.  We stayed with my very dear friends in their renovated church-turned-home near Hyde Park.

It really feels like a small city with gems EVERYWHERE.  The people are midwest friendly and I absolutely adore the western meets hipster meets vintage style of dress.  We solidified our visit by purchasing our very first pair of boots (purchased at the sweetest little vintage shop on South Congress).

Things we did:

Went to Barton Springs for their monthly full moon nighttime swim, “Howl At the Moon”

Ate Torchy’s Tacos

Walked along neighborhoods admiring houses, yards and giant chicken statues

Tasted Texas Chili at the bar used in Tarantino’s movie, “Death Proof”

Saw amazing live music on 6th street

Sipped whiskey with bacon (this way mainly for the boys, not my taste!)

Shopped on South Congress

Played a round of Chicken Sh** Bingo at the smallest little dive bar saloon ever (hands down best experience)

Enjoyed mounds of barbecue at the Salt Lick

Oh yeah and somehow ended up at a frat party during the Texas game (don’t ask, head hung in shame)