Spring Flowers

26 Mar

I wonder if it’s a coincidence my favorite flowers all tend to be Spring time blooms? One of the things I miss the most (besides thunderstorms) is the smell of lilacs in a Minnesota Spring.  I found some at the Farmers Market this past weekend but they just weren’t the same…

Instead I’ll be happy with these perky Daffodils living in my office.


Spring Flowers

One Response to “Spring Flowers”

  1. auntie coon March 26, 2014 at 11:37 am #

    It’s too bad you won’t be here to smell my “Belle de Nancy” lilacs when they bloom. When the wind is right, the scent comes in through my kitchen window – sweetest smelling lilac EVER! Wish my daffodils hadn’t all drowned one year. :o(

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