Where Were You?

11 Sep

I was able to catch President Obama’s speech this morning while getting ready for work.  He honored those who had fallen in 9/11 and touched on the enduring community of support.   It might be the first time I’ve ever left my house at 7am feeling rather patriotic.  In my car I thought about that day and what I was doing.  It feels like it’s our generation’s, “Where were you when JFK was shot?” moment.

I was 17 and in my first weeks of senior year at Concordia Academy.  Twice weekly we had an all school chapel assembly.  Sometimes we’d have entertaining guest speakers energetically sharing their stories of how they turned from drugs to Jesus.  Other times we’d have the student choirs perform (for all those that remember, “His People”).  But more often than not we’d have a slow reading of sorts and a lengthy lecture that left me “praying” (sleeping) slunched over in my seat.  Because I was a senior and suddenly a total badass my friend and I decided to skip chapel and go to Byerly’s for breakfast.  We toasted our Ferris Bueller success over coffee and returned to a sullen group of students in the halls.  Some kids were crying, others were hugging.  My friend and I looked at each other and she said, “wow, I guess we missed a really good chapel.”

When I walked into my classroom the television was on and that’s when I saw what was happening. It was shocking and horrific.   I’ll never forget that moment or that morning, (especially because for a good part of the year I was somehow convinced it was directly related to me skipping chapel).

Years later I still see our nation healing.  I’m so glad that our soldiers are back from Iraq (now let’s get them out of Afghanistan) and I send my well wishes to all of those who have lost loved ones.

Where were you on 9/11?



3 Responses to “Where Were You?”

  1. lizzieladd September 11, 2012 at 1:56 pm #

    With you…

  2. Noah September 11, 2012 at 5:28 pm #

    I remember I was working at Uhaul in the ghetto on University and Victoria and I was siting in a truck taking a smoke break and had the radio on. I started listening to what was going on. At first all the reports were that a plane had crashed, like it was an accident. Then the second plane hit and it was quite clear it was more. I remember it was all chaos from there. A day never forgotten…

  3. Nanny September 11, 2012 at 8:26 pm #

    Absolutely very genuine, Leah. I was driving the old Grand Caravan to Lake Elmo for work. I remember thinking, why weren’t all of us on I94 not stopping? How could everybody keep on the road during these reports?? Hearing myself say “There’s going to be war” to my boss caused a huge inner sadness. And writing this just now triggered something I didn’t know has been true for a very long while; we who were toddlers at the time of Pearl Harbor have an ache in the heart that has never been voiced or addressed.

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