Who Wore it Best?

17 Jul

Back to work today, after a nice long weekend, and a much needed pick-me-up is just what the doctor Quinn (Medicine Woman) ordered.  So here’s a fun little Tuesday game of “Who Wore it Best?” under-analyst edition;
















2 Responses to “Who Wore it Best?”

  1. Nanny July 17, 2012 at 11:05 am #

    My vote went to Spencer, et al (‘fraid I’ve forgotten all the names already), for originality and a lot of home sewing. But the babies were hard to pass by, the hippies not at all. Neat posting m’dear!

  2. auntie coon July 17, 2012 at 12:46 pm #

    Where in the world do you find all these photos? I voted for the babies – the rest of them just looked plain weird! Fun post. ;o)

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